Promised Shelby that I would go to church with her today and finally after months of rejection (she's been asking every single sunday), I went Hillsong with her couple of hours ago. The service started at 5 and we catch a shuttle bus with 7-11 sandwich to stuff down our troat just to stop the noise coming out from our stomach.
*Bit of update of hotel. Kitchen renovation started today and I must say it's such a bad idea. Why on earth you should start today? Dont you know today is sunday? The most busiest day in the whole week and yet the management wanna start renovation today, now show me where is your brain @@ Okay whatever. Stop complaining.
And what happen today? It was so busy that the manager had to come into servery to help. oh yeah forgot to mention we're short or one staff today. Btw, no break for 7 1/2 hours. Imagine that each table you've gotta run the drinks and toast for at least 3 times, minus the specials and extra orders. Now we have each table turn over at least twice for the whole morning, so do the math. I went to deliver for each table at least 6 times and there is 30 tables there, only me as the drink runner today. Phew ! I should glad that I had long legs :))*
So back to church. To be honest it was totally different from what I expected and thought of a church would be. Probably it was in Aus and it's more modern or something, but suprisingly I found it nice :D I believe it was an international chain church and the organisation was quite big and organise. They were very friendly and everyone seems to know everyone. It's like a small family among the world that everyone gather around and study the bible, sing and pray together.
The service started like a concert with 3 hit songs where everybody stand and sing together. The 6 singers and choir were like stars performing and we're like audience watching concert, pretty amazing for a church. The even have X factor auditions within the church which basically runs like american idols stuff kinda thingy too. Everyone can join and just show your talent on stage ;)
Oh, I forgot to mention the video live broadcasting to the whole world :P There is broadcasting group behind video-ing the whole service, cool eh xD That's why they made so much money.
Just proceed to the dvd shop outlet and you can view the service at home whenever you like without missing it out every week. == (The MC really know how to promote their product) Yeah, you can obviously do that, just that somehing will be missing from your pocket that's it, nothing hurts you :P
Now the main part is the paster. He was british and he is just hillarious (his talk is meaningful too) Half and hour bible study which I thought Im gonna sleep was actually interesting for me. Relate it to his real life experience and what the bible says was just like a piece of cake for him, well obviously he did it for years. But still, I gave him much more credit on his jokes and it was all meaningful jokes that realted to our daily life. You walk out from the auditorium thinking that today Ive learn something and it was easy to remember cuz it came from a joke, and everyone seems to learn a lesson every week :))
So, enough of babbling here. Gotta go to bed and hide under my blankie cuz it's cold after shower. So my first attempt to church, nice :)) Will go if there is chance next time !
*Just got to know grandpa's sister passed away this morning, Im sorry to hear that. RIP.*